This is Sarah Carter from show "Shark" as Madeline Poe also her two appearances as Alicia Baker in Smallville and her new roles in movies DOA: Dead or Alive as Helena Douglas and "Skinwalkers" co-written by James Roday (Maggie Lawson's co-star in Psych)! For more information on Sarah, go to these sites:
- (also known as Welcome to the Sarah Carter Fan Site )
- (also known as That Blonde Girl - a sarah carter fansite )
- Sarah Carter Myspace for Fans (Sarah's myspace site)
- Sarah Carter // the sarah carter fanlisting
- Celebopedia - Sarah Carter
- Sarah Carter Photos - Sarah Carter News - Sarah Carter Information
- Sarah Carter Pictures, Biography, Filmography, News,
- The Sarah Carter Picture Pages
- Sarah Carter - Yahoo! TV
- Sarah Carter Fan Forum
- sarah-carter (yahoo group)
- SarahCarterGroup (yahoo group)
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